

Polished Stainless Steel Sculpture
The Connotation and Culture of Sports Stainless Steel Sculpture
2018-08-10 09:19:29

"Sports stainless steel sculpture" is the perfect combination of art and sports. It is an art that condenses the wonderful moments of different sports. Stainless steel sculpture as three-dimensional art, has strange functions in displaying and expressing the sports spirit and depicting the sports image of various sports, that are beyond the reach of other art categories. With the development of sports, the creation of various types of sports stainless steel sculptures is constantly emerging. Many sculptures with innovative themes, various styles and rich connotations have entered into the public consciousness. Modern and contemporary sports stainless steel sculpture is a unique art form that highlights the Olympic spirit. It is the construction of sports culture and an important part of the stainless steel sculpture art.

At present, the contents of sports stainless steel sculptures are mostly national or regional traditional or comparatively advantageous sports such as table tennis, martial arts, horse riding, weightlifting, badminton, and shuttlecock; or popular fashion items such as skiing, artistic gymnastics and diving, etc.; or a wonderful moment of sports, such as a soccer shot, a smash in badminton, etc.; or an eternal moment of a sports star. The sports stainless steel sculpture is refined from the "stainless steel sculpture". Therefore, the basic form of sports stainless steel sculpture is the basic form of stainless steel sculpture. There are mainly two forms of round carving and relief.

Sports stainless steel sculptures are classified into four types of stainless steel sculptures : commemorative, themes, decorations and functional types. Commemorative sculpture, which is mostly outdoors. Themed sculpture, either highlighting environmental themes, highlighting architectural themes, or highlighting the theme of the location. Decorative sculpture is used to beautify the living space. Functional sculpture is a practical sculpture and a type of sculpture that combines art and practical functions, such as giant stone carved chess as a rest bench.

Sports stainless steel sculpture can promote sports culture, inherit the sports spirit, build urban humanistic environment and cultivate people's sentiments. Sports stainless steel sculpture can also record the history of sports and conveys information about sports. Sports stainless steel sculpture not only spreads the Olympic concept, spreads the culture of each country, but also makes an important artistic contribution to the establishment of the image of each country.

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